Taken <3

Hi! I'm Glasswatt, you can also just call me glass!
I use They/Them pronouns but you should still ask
I have no idea what to put here so uh... WIP?

Some are clickable! Even those not marked as clickable!
Not all! Happy hunting!

You found a page where i ramble about one of my interests!

Klonoa is a game series tha started with its first original game on the PSX back in 1997, since then it has become quite an obscure piece of media, one whom many have forgotten. But! I of course found it, so it is here now!
It is a game series with many releases such as...

Klonoa: door to phantomile1997Psx
Klonoa: Moonlight Museum1999WonderSwan
Klonoa 2: Lunateas veil2001Ps2
Klonoa: Empire of dreams2001GBA
Klonoa 2: Dream champ tournament2002GBA
Klonoa Beach Volleyball2002Psx
Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal2002Gba
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series2020All Modern Consoles (EX: Switch, Ps4&5, Xbox one-Series X) And PC


There are also some curiosities on this list! like how even though Klonoa Beach Volleyball released After Klonoa 2: Lunateas veil (which is a direct sequel to Klonoa:Door to phantomile
or how Klonoa Beach Volleyball released on the Psx (commonly reffered to as the Ps1) after Klonoa 2: Lunateas veil which was released on the Ps2
Furthermore the second ever Klonoa game was released on the WonderSwan of all things and never got an official western release, however modders have made the game available with a translation.
but even if that is technically the second game, the second game in the main series (Lunateas veil) released after Moonlight museum.
Another interesting thing about Klonoa is that the Wii version had special Reverse stages and Bonus stages, something that didnt reappear in the Phantasy Reverie Series. This is interesting since the Phantasy Reverie system is just a remake of the wii version with HUGE changes like the playermodel and the voicelines being reverted to Phantomilian. This makes sense since in the wii version Klonoa spoke english, this did not make sense as he never spoke understandable language before.Going further on the list of interesting facts is that Klonoa Heroes is the only game that uses a Top Down RPG gameplay style, and was never localized outside of japan (again modders to the rescue) This game is a top down action style rpg which is a far different approach to klonoa than the traditional platformer